Discover Some Charities That Give Away CarsCars are a method of transportation people tend to take for granted. When people have a car, they are able to get to work, stores, and even entertainment. However, a lot of people are suffering without a vehicle to use. To end this suffering and lack of cars, people need to learn about some of the charities that give away cars.

1-800-Charity Cars is a company that is available for anyone in the nation. This program actually has some specific requirements for people to get a car, but tops among those requirements is the recipient of the vehicle finds a job within 30 days. The recipient of the vehicle must maintain the vehicle as well and keep up with periodic checks by the charity. If any of these are violated, the company can cash in on the lien they have on the vehicle.
Cars 4 Christmas is a charity that is operational all year, not just at Christmas as the name implies. The charity operates all over the country, but is based in the Midwest. When people are trying to get a vehicle from this charity, they need to fill out the online application. They do need to realize with this charity most of the vehicles people get will be going to people who are disabled or have children.

Some people will not live in an area that is well serviced by the national charities. However, some local charities exist to help people in getting the car they need. People just have to look for them, but here are a couple of regional charities that help people get a vehicle.

Good news garage is mainly for the Northeast. The charity is ran by Lutherans and has been around since 1996 so it does have a long history for people to review. Since it started up, good news garage, has managed to give away over 4000 cars to people in need. Most of the vehicles this company gives away goes to people who are on public assistance and cannot afford a vehicle.

Allstate car donation program is another program that helps to give away money from donated vehicles. Normally people think they are going to have the vehicles donated to needy families, but this charity takes and sells the vehicles for money. Then they will take this money and help the needy or people who have just gotten out of prison. This way they can rebuild their lives to the point the other charities will help them.

People have often lost sight of how much they rely on vehicles in the world today. However, vehicles are needed to get back and forth to work, the store, and sometimes to get the kids to school. Without a vehicle a lot of people suffer and this often means they do not have a chance to improve their life. To prevent this suffering from going on from generation to generation, people need to discover some charities that give away cars to the needy or accept car donations to sell to give people the money they need to improve their life. (
